
What if someones health fails betweentaking the early tests and their birthday

Anydeterioration in health should be noted by their doctor whocan advise the person to cease driving if it would be unsafeto continue. If appropriate the doctor can also notify LandTransport NZ.Changes Rosetta Stone outlet affecting commercialdriversIn 1999, the GDLS for drivers of heavy motorvehicles was changed to allow for the introduction of a newlicence classification system based on vehicle weights. This requires licence holders to progress from a lower to ahigher licence class (Classes 2 to 5) so that they buildtheir skills and gain experience driving smaller/lightervehicles before being entitled to drive larger/heaviervehicles with different handling characteristics. Inaddition, licence endorsements are required to drivespecial-type vehicles (e.g. forklifts, excavators, mobilecranes). The government recognises that the heavy vehicleindustry currently faces challenges in recruiting, trainingand retaining drivers. A number of amendments coming intoforce on 1 June 2006 will assist in building workforcecapacity. What are the changes?There are two mainchanges:1. Drivers aged 25 or over can move through thelicensing classes more quickly, by reducing the timerequired to be spent in each licence class when progressingthrough licence classes 2 to 5. These drivers can nowchoose to either:- fulfil the minimum time of 3 months(previously 6 months) required to hold a full Class 2, 3 or4 licence before being able to apply for the next higherclass of licence, or- complete a course when applyingfor a Class 3L, 4L or 5L, with no minimum timerequirement2. Increasing the maximum vehicle weightallowed under some licence classes to allow some heaviervehicles to be driven with a lower class of licence.Whatvehicles do the licence classes relate to?Licenceclasses are as follows - Class 2 , medium rigid vehiclelicence - Class 3 , medium combination vehicle licence- Class 4 , heavy rigid vehicle licence - Class 5 ,heavy combination vehicle licence Is there a risk to roadsafety? Land Transport NZ and the Ministry of Transportdo not consider there Rosetta Stone Spanish V3 is a risk to road safety. Thechange is restricted to drivers aged 25 years and over. Thisis because crash statistics consistently show that driversaged below 25 years are involved in more fatal and seriousinjury crashes than any other group. The risk is lower fordrivers aged 25 years as they are likely to have had severalyears of driving experience. Where do you find out aboutthese training courses?Land Transport NZ regionaloffices have information on approved courses and courseproviders. Why is there a shortage of heavy vehicledrivers?The shortage of heavy vehicle drivers is aresult of the increasing demand for freight and coachtransport. What does this change mean for trucking inNew Zealand? This will help create a more flexibleworkforce and bring greater employment opportunities todrivers. This change assists industry by reducing the timeit takes to progress drivers from lower to higher licenceclasses. This means a more diversified workforce and helpsto address a shortage of qualified heavy vehicledrivers.Whats the matter with the old rule? Truckdrivers had to remain in a lower full licence class for sixmonths before applying for a learner licence of a higherlicence class. The aim was to encourage on-road drivingexperience with a supervisor, but the effect has been toimpact badly on the trucking industry and the employment oftruck drivers. Changing the weight thresholds- Raisethe GLW of rigid vehicles that can be driven on a Class 2licence from 15,000kg to 18,000kg- Increase the GLWlimit for forklifts allowed to be driven on a Class 1licence from 15,000kg to 18,000kg- Increase the GLWlimit for special-type vehicles that run on rollers, wheelsand self-laying tracks allowed to be driven on a Class 1licence from 4,500kg to 18,000 kgWhat does this changemean for bus and truck drivers? This change givesoperators greater flexibility in assigning drivers tovehicles so increasing flexibility for the workforce and thefleet. The change will allow about 70% of buses and 20% oftrucks over the 15,000 kg GLW category to be driven on aClass 2 licence. This change will help to facilitate themore efficient use of about 200 new Man vehicles buses, witha gross laden weight (GLW) of 16,000 kg that currentlycannot be driven by drivers whose licence has a maximumlimit of 15,000 kg. What other effects will this changehave?Increasing the GLW limit of rigid vehiclespermitted to be driven under a class 2 licence, from 15,000kg to 18,000 kg will allow vehicles with three axles to bedriven on a Class 2 licence. Wont this mean that peopleare driving a vehicle beyond their skill?No, differencesin vehicle size and handling characteristic between 2-axleand 3-axle motor vehicles are not significant. Whatvehicles do the licence endorsements relate to?Licenceendorsements are as follows - F , special-type vehiclesthat are forklifts - R , special-type vehicles that run on rollers- T , special-type vehicles that run onself-laying tracks - W , special-type vehicles that runon wheels and are not forkliftsWhat does this change meanfor drivers of special-type vehicles- Increases the GLWlimit of special-type vehicles on rollers and self-layingtracks that can be driven on a Class 1 licence from 4,500kgto 18,000kg- Allow a special-type vehicle that runs onwheels to be driven on a Class 1 licence provided ithas:o a GLW of 4,500kg or less, oro a GLW of morethan 4,500kg but not more than Rosetta Stone English 18,000kg, and is beingdriven at a speed not exceeding 30kph- Allow aspecial-type vehicle that runs on wheels to be driven on aClass 2 licence provided it has:o a GLW of more than4,500kg but not more than 18,000 kg, and is driven at aspeed in excess of 30kph, oro a GLW of more than18,000kg, and is being driven at a speed not exceeding30kph.- Allow forklifts rollers and self-laying tracksspecial-type vehicles with GLW of more than 18,000kg to bedriven on a Class 2 licence.

