
CMYK - Graphics Software Glossary

Definition: One of the color spaces used in Rosetta Stone software graphics software. This color space is based on the ink colors used in traditional full-color commercial Rosetta Stone Greek printing: C yan, M agenta, Y ellow, and blac K. In general, it is best to edit your images in RGB color mode because many software features and commands will not be available in CMYK mode. Converting your RGB images to CMYK should be one of the final steps before sending Rosetta Stone Hindi V3 your image to a commercial printer (Also see Out of Gamut ). Although your inkjet printer may use these four colors of ink, you do not need to convert images to CMYK for printing on consumer-level desktop inkjet printers. In the case of desktop printers, the RGB to CMYK conversion is [ Rosetta Stone Software ] handled by your printer driver. Graphics GlossaryAlso Known As: CMY, CYMK

