Competitiveness is activelydiscouraged in favour of participation, fun, and socialnetworking. In Rosetta Stone V3 some areas, even the rules of the game aredecided democratically! Interested in starting a "politicalfootball" 6-a-side competition in Auckland? Emaildaphne@randomstatic.net. For more information (from ananarchist point of view) see MICHAEL HOUSTOUN TO PLAY BEETHOVEN'S ' MOONLIGHT ' SONATAAT THE 14TH MANAWATU MAYDAY CONCERT Dion Martin,coordinator of the 14th annual Manawatu Mayday Concert, tobe held at the Regent on Broadway, Palmerston North, at7.30pm on Saturday 3 May, is, "thrilled to announce that oneof New Zealand's greatest pianists, Michael Houstoun, hasagreed to play Beethoven's ' Moonlight ' sonata , all 16minutes, 47 seconds"."Michael Houstoun is highly regardedfor his performances of Beethoven's music, and what bettercomposer from the world of classical music to feature in aconcert that celebrates ' International Workers Day ' thanLudwig van Beethoven? He was one of music's greatrevolutionaries, believing passionately in freedom frompolitical and social oppression, and in the brotherhood ofMan". For more information contact Dion Martin 021 776 029or 06 3569658 or dion.martin@ndu.org.nz OCTOBER 15SOLIDARITY WELLINGTONProtest: Saturday 12 April, midday,meet at Te Aro Park (between DixonSt and Manners St)Theprotest will start at Te Aro Park (also known as PigeonPark) and move to the Labour Party Congress (held at theTown Hall). Everyone who opposed the raids is invited tocome and bring banners, placards and noise-makers. Thegovernment has attacked, October 15 Solidarity Wellingtonwill not allow the government that attacked us tocongratulate itself in peace. More information:www.October15thSolidarity.info http://www.October15thSolidarity.info OXFAM CAMPAIGN COORDINATOR NEEDED We are currentlyrecruiting for a Campaign Coordinator at Oxfam New Zealand.The closing date is this Thursday, 10 April at 5pm. Email meor phone for a job description. Kirsty Wright, CampaignCoordinator, Oxfam New Zealand Rosetta Stone Latin America Spanish . Ph 64-9-355 6500 Kirsty.Wright@oxfam.org.nz LOOKINGFOR WORKDylan Tromp dylantromp@hotmail.com 021 828 501 Witha strong professional and academic background ininternational development, Dylan is a passionate advocatefor social justice and the peaceful advancement of humanrights. He has worked with Oxfam Australia, the Fair TradeAssociation of Australia and New Zealand, the AustralianAgency for International Development (AusAID) and a numberof other international development and social justiceorganisations. He is seeking employment from mid-April 2008in the Auckland region. Please contact Dylan directly forfurther details or for a copy of his CV. skype: dylantrompt: 64 9 920 4950, f: 64 9 920 4951, m: 64 21 828501MEMBERS OF THE NEWCASTLE PEOPLES CHORUS WILL TOURNEW ZEALAND, singing ACappella . Influences includethe Flying Pickets, Billy Bragg, and Pete Seeger. Therepertoire includes: Historic Australian songs suchas Beneath the Southern Cross. Traditional Unionsongs like "Bring out the Banners" and "Solidarity."Contemporary songs such as Bruce Springsteens "TheFactory," and Jez Lowes "Coal Town Days." Songs offreedom & struggle including the Flying Pickets "RememberThis". Political satire and ProtestSongs.PerformancesThe Newcastle Peoples Chorus hasgiven more than 300 performances from 1988 2008, andsings regularly at May Day marches, rallies, unionfunctions, picket lines, folk festivals, clubs and pubs. InJuly 2006 the Peoples Chorus toured the UK & Ireland togreat acclaim, performing in London, Durham, Newcastle onTyne, & Dublin, as well as the Tolpuddle Festival in Dorset& St Albans Folk Festival. A general video The PeoplesChorus was released in 1990 and another "Life on the Picket:The Story of the Vickery Coal Strike", in 1997. An audiotape "The People Sing Out" was released in 1995 and a secondvolume (on CD) was released in 2004. For more information:peopleschorus@yahoo.com.au NZ-WIDESOLIDARITY NETWORK WITH VENEZUELAHugo Chavez's Venezuelais an inspiration to hundreds of millions around the world.That's because in Venezuela human beings are now at thecentre of government policy, not the "almighty dollar". Inthe wake of a recent NZ tour by Canberra-based Rosetta Stone Arabic Venezuelandiplomat Nelson Davila, moves are underway in many centresto form a NZ-wide Venezuela solidarity network. This will bebroad and inclusive, with people in each locality decidingwhat their regional structure and priorities will be.
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