Inthe words of our Declaration, in the words written by Thomas Jefferson
Inthe words of our Declaration, in the words written by Thomas Jefferson, each of us is created equal and endowed byour Creator with certain rights, among them life, libertyand the pursuit of happiness. Now when you think about that,if you truly believe that each of us is created equal andendowed by our Creator with those rights, then you know thatthose rights are not just reserved for America, but thatthose Rosetta Stone software rights belong to all human beings everywhere. TheJamestown Commission and its activities, and the Democracyconference series commemorate the 400th anniversary of ajourney that when you think about it, really changed theworld. You heard Tim mentioned the growth of democracy inour lifetime. The President described it in his secondinaugural address as a "seed upon the wind", that it isspreading as we go. Many of our nation's democratic idealsand institutions -- from the rule of law to our culturaldiversity -- can trace their roots to Jamestown. Of course,the journey that began there is ongoing and part of mymission in public diplomacy and our country's mission is toshare what we have learned with the rest of the world. Notbecause we're perfect -- as you heard from Thomas Jeffersonhimself here today, American history is in large part of astory of our own challenge to live up to our ideals. Weshould never forget that at the time Thomas Jeffersondrafted the Declaration of Independence, the words "all menare created equal" did not apply to all men, and certainlynot to all women. But the fact that we have struggled tolive up to the high calling of our ideals only underscores their value and our belief that they are right and true andapplicable not only to Americans but to all peopleeverywhere. Today, America and our fri and partnersthroughout the world face a new struggle between the forcesof freedom and the forces of tyranny. Last September, ashe swore me in, President Bush gave me some pretty clear orders. He talked about spreading the message of freedom anddemocracy requiring a more aggressive effort to share andcommunicate our countries basic values. He pointed out thewar of terrorism will not be won by force of arms alone,but also in the battle of ideas. President Bush instructedSecretary Rice and me to "marshal all the resources of thefederal government to this critical mission" and added thatpublic diplomacy was to be the job of every member of hisadministration. To do this, at the State Department weare moving aggressively to put Rosetta Stone Greek in place a foundation forwhat I like to call "waging peace". That's my part of thewar on terror -- waging peace. And I use the word "waging"very intentionally because I believe we must be veryfocused and clear about the commitment that it's going torequire. I have outlined 3 strategic objectives that helpguide me as I do my job. First of all, that America mustcontinue to offer people across the world a positive visionof hope and opportunity that is rooted again in the strengthof our fundamental values, our belief in freedom andjustice, in opportunity and respect for every person. I sawan interview of a young man in Morocco and he was asked,"What America meant to him?" And he gave what I thought wasa very eloquent reply. He said, "For me, America representsthe hope of a better life." And it's very important that wecontinue to hold out that hope to people everywhere. Iremember a man in Egypt asking me, "Does statue of libertystill face out?" It is important that we face out to theworld that we offer that image of hope that we mustcontinue to be that shinning city on a hill that PresidentReagan spoke of. And that's why we speak out for democracyand against human rights abuses, for free press and againstthose who stifle religious freedom. Again, not becausewe're perfect, but because we uphold those ideals and wewant constantly to keep ourselves and for countries and nations around the world to seek and uphold them Rosetta Stone Hindi V3 in a betterway. Our second strategic imperative is to isolate andmarginalize violent extremists in terror networks andconfront their ideology of tyranny and hate.
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