Degrees for Teaching English as a Second Language
Teaching English as a second language (also referred to as ESL teaching) often involves more Rosetta Stone outlet than just simple language teaching. ESL teachers are in high demand throughout the United States and the world. In order to function in an English-speaking society, ESL speakers must learn to speak, write and read in English, as well as how to communicate mathematical and scient Ific ideas in their non-native tongue. More and more universities are offering ESL teaching degrees and cert Ifications. Bachelor's DegreeThe most common bachelor's degree earned by individuals intending to teach English as a second language is, in fact, a degree in teaching ESL. Many universities offer ESL teaching as a spec Ific major. You can also get a bachelor's degree in education, English, linguistics, any foreign language, multicultural Rosetta Stone Spanish V3 studies or speech. However, a degree spec Ific to ESL teaching will likely open more doors for you as a prospective teacher.Graduate DegreeEarning a master's or doctoral degree in teaching English as a second language can be extremely beneficial, though a graduate degree is not a prerequisite for landing an ESL teaching job. Continuing your education past the undergraduate level will help you expand your knowledge base, and completing a master's or doctoral dissertation can help you formulate your own opinions and ideas about ESL teaching methods and obstacles. Publication of your original work can also lead to opportunities in research positions. Advanced education also qual Ifies you to take on leadership roles in ESL facilities, such as a program directorship, department chair or educational consultant.Teaching Cert IficateMost U.S. schools require that ESL teachers have a bachelor's degree, a teaching cert Ificate and an ESL cert Ification Rosetta Stone English endorsement. Teaching cert Ificates are awarded by colleges and universities to each student who successfully completes her teaching degree at the undergraduate level. Teaching cert Ificates are also sometimes awarded to individuals who complete certain prerequisite coursework without officially obtaining a degree in teaching. The teaching cert Ificate basically indicates that the individual holding it is fully qual Ified to teach.ESL EndorsementEndorsements grant teachers the qual Ification to teach specialized subjects, such as music or language arts. A cert Ificate of ESL endorsement indicates that you are qual Ified to teach English as a second language. ESL endorsements can usually be earned through completing a designated set of coursework that can also be credited toward your undergraduate or graduate teaching degree credit requirements. ESL endorsements can qual Ify you to teach to a certain population, such as K-12 students, or they may be more [ Rosetta Stone Software ] generalized, depending on the requirements and offerings of your particular university.
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