Meeting The World's Leaders - A Letter From Davos
The following is a letter from a reporter whomanaged to get heavy credentials for the Davos conference.It Rosetta Stone software was posted on the Psychohistory bulletin board itappears here on Scoop after being transmitted via SamSmith's indomitable Undernews @http://prorev.com Meeting TheWorld's Leaders This sweet little chaletvillage was during the WEF packed with about 3000 delegatesand press, some 1000 Swiss police, another 400 Swiss soldiers, numerous tanks and armored personnel carriers,gigantic rolls of coiled barbed wire that gracefullycascaded down snow-covered hillsides, missile launchers andassorted other tools of the national security trade. Thesecurity precautions did not, of course, stop there. Everysingle person who planned to enter the conference site hadspecial electronic badges which, upon being swiped across areading pad, produced a computer screen filled colorportrait of the attendee, along with his/her vitalstatistics. These were swiped and scrutinized by soldiersand police every few minutes -- any time one passed througha door, basically. The whole system was connected tohandheld wireless communication devices made by HP, whichwere issued to all VIPs. I got one. Very cool, except whenthey crashed. Which, of course, they did frequently. Thesedevices supplied every imaginable piece of information onecould want about the conference, your fellow delegates,Davos, the world news, etc. And they were emailing devices--- all emails being monitored, of course, by Swiss cops. .. Overall, here is what I learned about the state of ourworld:- I was in a dinner with heads of Saudi and GermanFBI, plus the foreign minister of Afghanistan. They all saidthat at its peak Al Qaeda had 70,000 members. Only 10% ofthem were trained in terrorism -- the rest were militaryrecruits. Of that 7000, they say all but about 200 are deador in jail.- But Al Qaeda, they say, is like a brandwhich has been heavily franchised. And nobody knows howmany unofficial franchises have been spawned since9/11.- The global economy is in very very very very badshape. Last year when WEF met here in New York all I heardwas, "Yeah, it's bad, but recovery is right around thecorner." This year "recovery" was a word never uttered.Fear Rosetta Stone Greek was palpable -- fear of enormous fiscal hysteria. The watchwords were "deflation", "long term stagnation" and"collapse of the dollar." All of this is without war.- Ifthe U.S. unilaterally goes to war, and it is anything shortof a quick surgical strike (lasting less than 30 days), theeconomists were all predicting extreme economic gloom:falling dollar value, rising spot market oil prices, the Fedpushing interest rates down towards zero with resultingincrease in national debt, severe trouble in all countries whose currency is guaranteed against the dollar (which isjust about everybody except the EU), a near cessation ofall development and humanitarian programs for poorcountries. Very few economists or ministers of financepredicted the world getting out of that economic funk forminimally five-10 years, once the downward spiralensues.- Not surprisingly, the business community was inno mood to hear about a war in Iraq. Except for diehardAmerican Republicans, a few Brit Tories and some MiddleEast folks the WEF was in a foul, angry anti-American mood.Last year the WEF was a love fest for America. This yearthe mood was so ugly that it reminded me of what it feltlike to be an American overseas in the Reagan years. Therich -- whether they are French or Chinese or just aboutanybody -- are livid about the Iraq crisis primarilybecause they believe it will sink their financial fortunes.Plenty are also infuriated because they disagreeon policy grounds. I learned a great deal. It goes farbeyond the sorts of questions one hears raised bydemonstrators and in UN debates. For example:- If AlQaeda is down to merely 200 terrorists cadres and a handfulof wannabe franchises, what's all the fuss?- The MiddleEast situation has never been worse. All hope for a settlement between Israel and Palestine seems to haveevaporated. The energy should be focused on placing painfulfinancial pressure on all sides in that fight, forcing themto the negotiating table. Otherwise, the ME may Rosetta Stone Hindi V3 wellexplode. The war in Iraq is at best a distraction from thatcore issue, at worst may aggravate it. Jordan's Queen Raniaspoke of the "desperate search for hope."- SeriousIslamic leaders (e.g. the King of Jordan, the Prime Minsterof Malaysia, the Grand Mufti of Bosnia) believe that theIslamic world must recapture the glory days of 12-13th CIslam.
Moana was awarded TeArawhakarei
In 2003, Moana was awarded TeArawhakarei - lifetime recipient of toi iho(tm) thetrademark of quality and authenticity for Maori arts andartists. Last year she was further honoured when she wasadmitted as a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit(MNZM). Offstage, Moana Rosetta Stone software is one half of an award-winningdocumentary team with her film making mentor and partnerToby. With her friend (and backing vocalist Amiria Reriti)Moana founded the Maori Music Industry Coalition and helpedinstitute the Maioha Award at the APRA Songwriting Awards.She led the development of the NZQA New Maori Music unitstandards and is a former board member of Te Waka Toi. Moanais in high demand as a motivational speaker and has mentoreda number of musicians throughout her career. She iscurrently negotiating forays into the U.K, Scotland, theU.S.A and has been invited to be the first N.Z band toperform in the former Soviet Union. Nga Karahipi a TeWaka Toi / Te Waka Toi ScholarshipsGlen SkipperTeAtiawa., Palmerston NorthVisual ArtsEmerging artistGlen Skipper is one of only a handful of Maori artistsworking with the medium of bronze. He is passionate aboutthe way the metal can be cast to create different forms.While many Maori artists who utilise the medium are oftencarvers who have their work cast Rosetta Stone Spain Spanish by others, Glen casts thework himself and thereby controls the whole process. He useshis knowledge to inform his practice as the multipletechniques involved during casting allow him to expand anddevelop forms and ideas. His ability to work in bronzewas helped by the fact he had a job as a foundry man andartist assistant with renowned bronze sculptor Paul Dibble."I'm really appreciative of having had the opportunity towork along side Paul. He has been very generous with hisknowledge and has continued to support my artisticdevelopment." Glen has a formal art education - aBachelor of Maori Visual Arts from Massey University and iscurrently completing his Masters in Maori Visual Arts. Hehas also had many years experience in trade related jobs,like carpentry and joinery, which have equipped him with theskills required for his sculpture practice. But it is hisTaranaki upbringing that he sees as critical to thedevelopment of the view he brings to his art."Whilegrowing up, my siblings and I were taught by our father andwhanau to gather food from the land, river and sea in andaround our papakainga. This has had a huge influence on mylife and the way I Rosetta Stone English look at the world. Since leaving my homerohe, the opportunity of everyday interaction with mywhenua, awa and moana is limited. My art allows me to renewand explore that connection from afar.
The Budget
Under the Presidentsbudget proposal, the maximum Pell Grant would increase by 14percent to $US4,600 next year, while the maximum AcademicCompetitiveness Grants for talented low-income studentswould increase by 50 percent to $1,125 for first-yearstudents and $1,950 for second-year. These Rosetta Stone outlet grants areawarded for what is described as strong or rigorous academicpreparation and achievement.The Budget will also provide$US24 million for a new grant programme aimed at increasingthe number of speakers of so-called critical languages and $US25 million for a study of a database that would trackthe educational progress of students. However,commercial lenders in the Federal Government'sguaranteed-loan programme would have their Federal subsidiesslashed for a third time in a year, this time by $18.8billion, meaning those costs would be passed to students.Several other higher-education, or student-loan, assistanceprogrammes will be cut.The President of the AmericanFederation of Teachers, Edward McElroy, said that, each yearsince taking office, the President has proposed a budgetthat ignores the needs of the vast majority of Americans andinstead lines the pockets of the ultra-rich. Thisyears budget is no exception, he said.From theChronicle of Higher Education and AFTUniversity to bangay marriages on campusAcademics and students atCanterbury Christ Church University in the United Kingdomsay they are shocked and incensed by a proposal to bancivil-partnership ceremonies on campus. The Vice-Chancellor,Chair of Governors and Deputy Rosetta Stone German Pro-Chancellor of theUniversity argue that the Churchs position onhomosexuality makes it wrong to conduct lesbian and gay marriages on the Universitys premises.Academicsand students say a ban would flout the institutionsequal-opportunities policy and damage its reputation, withrepresentatives of the staff and student unions calling onthe proponents of the plan to retract it immediately orresign. The University and College Union (UCU) hascriticised the Vice-Chancellor for the ban, saying theattitude of the senior officers at Canterbury Christ ChurchUniversity is inappropriate in a modern place of learning. Discrimination should have no place in a university andit will be opposed by UCU, in line with the law, saidRoger Kline, UCU Head of Equality and EmploymentRights.Canterbury Christ Church is one of elevenhigher-education institutions closely aligned with theChurch of England. The Church has declined to comment on theproposed ban until the University's governing body has madeits final decision. The office of the Archbishop ofCanterbury also declined to comment.From the EducationGuardian and UCUCrisis threatens Mathematics as RMITsheds staffA crisis threatening Mathematics departmentsin Australian universities is worsening, with MelbournesRMIT University set to make up to 25 percent of staff intheir Department of Mathematics redundant, according to theNational Tertiary Education Union (NTEU).The situationat RMIT comes amid renewed debate about the crisis facingMathematics and Science Rosetta Stone Greek departments in universities, with arecent report on the future of mathematical sciences inAustralia revealing substantial reductions in teaching andresearch staff in the nations top universities.
This isa demanding task. It requires action on all sides
Palestinians must fight terror and continue to Rosetta Stone V3 build theinstitutions of a free and peaceful society. Israel mustmake tough sacrifices for peace and ease the restrictions onthe Palestinians. Arab states, especially oil-rich nations,must seize this opportunity to invest aggressively in thePalestinian people and to move past their old resentmentsagainst Israel. And all nations in the region must standtogether in confronting Hamas, which is attempting toundermine efforts at peace with acts of terror and violence.We must stand with the people of Lebanon in theirstruggle to build a sovereign and independent democracy.This means opposing Hezbollah terrorists, funded by Iran,who recently revealed their true intentions by taking uparms against the Lebanese people. It is now clearer thanever that Hezbollah militias are the enemy of a free Lebanon-- and all nations, especially neighbors in the region, havean interest to help the Lebanese people prevail. (Applause.)We must stand with the people of Iraq and Afghanistan andother nations in the region fighting against al Qaeda andother extremists. Bin Laden and his followers have madeclear that anyone who does not share their extremistideology is fit for murder. That means every government inthe Middle East is a target of al Qaeda. And America is atarget too. And together, we will confront and we willdefeat this threat to civilization. We must stand withthe good and decent people of Iran and Syria, who deserve somuch better than the life they have today. Every peacefulnation in the region has an interest in stopping thesenations from supporting terrorism. And every peaceful nationin the region has an interest in opposing Iran's nuclearweapons Rosetta Stone Latin America Spanish ambitions. To allow the world's leading sponsor ofterror to gain the world's deadliest weapon would be anunforgivable betrayal of future generations. For the sake ofpeace, the world must not allow Iran to have a nuclearweapon. (Applause.) The changes I have discussed todaywill not come easily -- change never does. But the reformmovement in the Middle East has a powerful engine:demographics. Sixty percent of the population is under 30years old. Many of these young people surf the web, own cellphones, have satellite televisions. They have access tounprecedented amounts of information. They see what freedomhas brought to millions of others and contrast that to whatthey have at home. Today, I have a message for theseyoung people: Some tell -- some will tell you change isimpossible, but history has a way of surprising us, andchange can happen more quickly than we expect. In the pastcentury, one concept has transcended borders, cultures, andlanguages. In Arabic, "hurriyya" -- in English, "freedom."Across the world, the call for freedom lives in our hearts,endures in our prayers, and joins humanity as one. I knowthese are trying times, but the future is in your hands --and freedom and peace are within your grasp. Just imaginewhat this region could look like in 60 years. ThePalestinian people will have the homeland they have longdreamed of and deserve -- a democratic state that isgoverned by law, respects human rights, and rejects terror.Israel will be celebrating its 120 anniversary as one of theworld's great democracies -- a secure and flourishinghomeland for the Jewish people. From Cairo, Riyadh,Baghdad to Beirut, people will live in free and independentsocieties, where a desire for peace is reinforced by ties ofdiplomacy and tourism and trade. Iran and Syria will bepeaceful nations, where today's oppression is a distantmemory and people are free to speak their minds and developtheir talents. Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, and Hamas will bedefeated, as Muslims across the region recognize theemptiness of the terrorists' vision and the injustice oftheir cause. This Rosetta Stone Arabic vision is the same one I outlined in myaddress to the Israeli Knesset. Yet it's not a Jewish visionor a Muslim vision, not an American vision or an Arabvision. It is a universal vision, based on the timelessprinciples of dignity and tolerance and justice -- and itunites all who yearn for freedom and peace in this ancientland. Realizing this vision will not be easy. It willtake time, and sacrifice, and resolve. Yet there is no doubtin my mind that you are up to the challenge -- and with youringenuity and your enterprise and your courage, thishistoric vision for the Middle East will be realized. MayGod be with you on the journey, and the United States ofAmerica always will be at your side. Thank you for havingme.
Degrees for Teaching English as a Second Language
Teaching English as a second language (also referred to as ESL teaching) often involves more Rosetta Stone outlet than just simple language teaching. ESL teachers are in high demand throughout the United States and the world. In order to function in an English-speaking society, ESL speakers must learn to speak, write and read in English, as well as how to communicate mathematical and scient Ific ideas in their non-native tongue. More and more universities are offering ESL teaching degrees and cert Ifications. Bachelor's DegreeThe most common bachelor's degree earned by individuals intending to teach English as a second language is, in fact, a degree in teaching ESL. Many universities offer ESL teaching as a spec Ific major. You can also get a bachelor's degree in education, English, linguistics, any foreign language, multicultural Rosetta Stone Spanish V3 studies or speech. However, a degree spec Ific to ESL teaching will likely open more doors for you as a prospective teacher.Graduate DegreeEarning a master's or doctoral degree in teaching English as a second language can be extremely beneficial, though a graduate degree is not a prerequisite for landing an ESL teaching job. Continuing your education past the undergraduate level will help you expand your knowledge base, and completing a master's or doctoral dissertation can help you formulate your own opinions and ideas about ESL teaching methods and obstacles. Publication of your original work can also lead to opportunities in research positions. Advanced education also qual Ifies you to take on leadership roles in ESL facilities, such as a program directorship, department chair or educational consultant.Teaching Cert IficateMost U.S. schools require that ESL teachers have a bachelor's degree, a teaching cert Ificate and an ESL cert Ification Rosetta Stone English endorsement. Teaching cert Ificates are awarded by colleges and universities to each student who successfully completes her teaching degree at the undergraduate level. Teaching cert Ificates are also sometimes awarded to individuals who complete certain prerequisite coursework without officially obtaining a degree in teaching. The teaching cert Ificate basically indicates that the individual holding it is fully qual Ified to teach.ESL EndorsementEndorsements grant teachers the qual Ification to teach specialized subjects, such as music or language arts. A cert Ificate of ESL endorsement indicates that you are qual Ified to teach English as a second language. ESL endorsements can usually be earned through completing a designated set of coursework that can also be credited toward your undergraduate or graduate teaching degree credit requirements. ESL endorsements can qual Ify you to teach to a certain population, such as K-12 students, or they may be more [ Rosetta Stone Software ] generalized, depending on the requirements and offerings of your particular university.
That effort was ignored
Some people seem to dislike any form of conflict and (to my mind) do Rosetta Stone not understand the necessity of passion in these environments for any idea or knowledge to develop.The inability to turn off the noise in a list serve. I will engage with anyone, but there comes a point where no exchange is taking place. In one case I put about half an hour into writing a “this is how the blogosphere works” to counter nonsensical comparisons of blogs with SPAM. That effort was ignored and after a few exchanges it was evident that the person would say that black was white if it supported their ideological position. Now in the blogosphere I could just turn off the link, in the list serve the material pours in every day.The inability of people to take robust criticism of their ideas without them taking said criticism personally. Now I was trained in formal debating, where you argue for positions with which you may not agree, and to which you may be violently opposed. Some people without that background seem to link a particular statement or belief with their own personal identity, and therefore see all challenge as personal.The danger of all of this (at one extreme) is that avoidance of criticism means that all one is left with is a Rosetta Stone Language breathless extrusion of self serving platitudes (it was too good a phrase not to use). Of course many people enjoy the debate. I have lost count of the times when I have attempted to withdraw from one on the grounds that no one else is joining in, only to received back chat emails saying carry on we are enjoying it. My increasing response to this is then join in, don’t leave it to me. So the lurkers seem to have varying views. The type I actively dislike are the fence sitters for whom, as I said a few days ago impalement is too goodSo back to the title of this blog, and the two quotes. Any community (and a list serve is a form of community) has to decide what its norms are. If it wants to be a comfortable place that supports its members then it should state as such and moderate its interactions. If it wants to be a place of learning and invention then it should embrace debate and welcome the curmudgeon, who refuses to go with the flow and is more than prepared to challenge the dress style of the Emperor. Now my observation is that knowledge management list serves seem to moving towards the former not the latter. This may reflect the increasing decline of KM as a strategic focus for organisations. In effect people are now looking for support for their programmes, rather than exploring a new and dynamic subject. Interestingly the Values and Prediction Markets list serves in which I participate are unmoderated, at times violent, always messy and Rosetta Stone Italian fascinating in consequence. Innovation never came from being nice to people, or confirming with the majority, inventors are cantankerous, passionate and committed. The blogosphere seems to welcome such people, for list serves, the jury is out.
Even if this statement is true its only go to apply to a very small percentage of the Rosetta Stone Store world. Children will still go down mines and people will die young in manual labour to produce food and resources in an increasingly constrained world. Employers will have to keep some employees happy - they do its called share options and its not producing the desired effect.Goodwin on the science of qualities references the need for a new type of qualitative evaluation and a different type of educationBrian is one of the really good guys and the concept of qualities is important. It was one of the source ideas that we used as we started to develop impact measurement systems based on narrative. However Brian himself says that the change in educational needs is huge and is not going to happen overnight IF IT HAPPENS at all. HALF EMPTY TO HALF FULLOK so lets move from optimism to pessimism. I think Brian is closer than the others. He is not looking for or forecasting some huge change. Rather he is focusing on something that could be done - namely create new measurement techniques.My own work on network government (and thanks for all the contributions which are still coming in - I will Rosetta Stone Language email everyone who ontributed on that ongoing project opefully next week) is saying that (in line with complexity theory) we should not focus on trying to forecast or define a desired end state: idealism. Instead we need to start multiple small experiments on a safe fail basis which offer the prospect of different ways of doing things. That is also in line with Brian's philosophy by the way. Two of these are I think obvious and are progressing, but we need more.Firstly - creating a measurement technique that produces numbers (familiar) but is based on complex behaviour and does not allow gaming would be a major step forward and we hope to announce something on that at the end of the year (current Beta trials are going well) using large volume self indexed narrative as the source. Linking quantitative material to contextual meaning. owever this approach will not work if ualitative judgments are made in the process. The second is to find ways replicating the tructural (a key word here) success of the Grameen Bank (referenced here) in which we focus on stimulating network capability rather than using resource allocation methods based on a false notion of airness and objectivity.So, to the overall subject. I think the knowledge economy is real. I think if it is to succeed we Rosetta Stone Greek will need to change from "scarcity" models to those of "abundance" and if that is to take place we must stop using the language of scarcity (Assets) when we talk about it.
A very confusing thing happened today
Google alert and a few friends pointed to this interesting Rosetta Stone Language post by Harold Jarche. It picks up on on another post by Clay Shirky (I had the great pleasure of spending a day with him and others in New York a few weeks ago) on the collapse of complex business models. Clay's post is excellent but it uses the word complex where I and others involved with complex adaptive systems theory would use complicated. Now that is common, and the analysis and recommendations in Clay's post are spot on (and I will build on them in a future post). Harold made a similar point on language together with recognising that solutions will involve organisational designs based on simple units, connected in a network. I don't fully agree with Harold's suggestion that this type of structure cannot be managed directly, although at a micro-level he is correct. However, that is for another day. The confusing thing was a comment by Stephen Downes. Harold had used my separation (which I derived from reading Cilliers with his wonderful metaphor of an airplane and a mayonnaise) of complex and complicated from the Cynefin framework. Stephen made the valid point that the term complex can stand on its own without Cynefin; in practice when talking about complexity I only use the framework itself in about 50% of cases. But then he goes on to say: I’m inclined not to cite the Cynefin framework until it gets a proper name. ‘Cynefin’? Really, now. I decided to use a probe (sorry to use Cynefin terminology Stephen) and tweeted Downes has no poetry in soul along with the quote. The resulting exchange was more confusing. Stephen understanding protested my comments on the contents of his soul, but having been given the full definition (something he could have obtained from the Language Learning Software Wikipedia article or any published material) said that "the place of your multiple belongings" was meaningless and its use is just a distraction that it obscures rather than clarifies. Notably he failed to answer my question if he was only prepared to accept English names or acronyms. I didn't ask what type of mental model is required to refuse to cite something because you don't like the name; that would have been unfair.I am grateful to Stephen however, he prompted me to write this in the series on the origins of the framework. Now I originally got the idea of the name from the preface to Kyffin WIlliams: The Land and the Sea (Gomer 1998) and these are the words I used in the first article to use the name: Cynefin is a Welsh word with no direct equivalent in English. As a noun it is translated as habitat, as an adjective familiar, but dictionary definitions fail to do it justice. A better, and more poetic, definition comes from the introduction to a collection of paintings by Kyffin Williams, an artist whose use of oils creates a new awareness of the mountains of his native land and their relationship to the spirituality of its people: “It describes that relationship: the place of your birth and of your upbringing, the environment in which you live and to which you are naturally acclimatised.” (Sinclair 1998). It differs from the Japanese concept of Ba, which is a “shared space for emerging relationships” (Nonaka .Konno 1998) in that it links a community into its shared history – or histories – in a way that paradoxically both limits the perception of that community while enabling an instinctive and intuitive ability to adapt to conditions of profound uncertainty. In general, if a community is not physically, temporally and spiritually rooted, then it is alienated from its environment and will focus on survival rather than creativity and collaboration. In such conditions, knowledge hoarding will predominate and the community will close itself to the Japanese Learning Software external world. If the alienation becomes extreme, the community may even turn in on itself, atomising into an incoherent babble of competing self interests.
Making Intelligence Smarter
The need for intelligence, and for a capability within the U.S. government to Rosetta Stone collect, produce, and disseminate it, remains critical. The end of the Cold War will not usher in an age of peace and security. Nor is the need for intelligence eliminated by new sources of open information. There are still important but hard to learn facts about targets---the intentions and capabilities or rogue states and terrorists, the proliferation of unconventional weapons, the disposition of potentially hostile military forces---that can only be identified, monitored, and measured through dedicated intelligence assets. The United States will have to continue to devote significant resources to intelligence if it wants an enhanced capability. The money will be well spent if it improves the effectiveness of diplomatic and military undertakings. Good intelligence cannot guarentee good policy, but poor intelligence frequently contributes to policy failure.This is a principal finding of a report of a Task Force of former government officials, military officers, businessmen, and scholars. This report offers judgments and makes recommendations on some of the most important questions affecting the future of U.S. national security: priorities for intelligence collection, the role of economic intelligence, improving analysis and increasing its impact, the future of clandestine activities, reorganizing the intelligence community, intelligence ties with both the military and law enforcement, and congressional and public oversight. Task Force Members MORTON I. ABRAMOWITZ: Mr. Abramowitz is President of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He was Ambassador to Turkey and served as Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research.RICHARD K. BETTS: Mr. Betts is Professor of Political Science and Director of the International Security Rosetta Stone Software Policy Program in the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University.PAUL BRACKEN: Mr. Bracken is Professor of Management and of Political Science at Yale University. He also serves on the Chief of Naval Operations Executive Panel and on the Army Science Board.CHESTER A. CROCKER: Mr. Crocker is Research Professor of Diplomacy at Georgetown University. He also serves as Chairman of the Board of the United States Institute of Peace and was formerly Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs.JAMES H. EVANS: Mr. Evans is former Chairman and CEO of Union Pacific Corporation. He has also served as President and a Director of Union Pacific and as President and Chairman of the Seamens Bank for Saving.LESLIE H. GELB: Mr. Gelb is President of the Council on Foreign Relations. He was a foreign affairs columnist and Editor of the Op-Ed page for The New York Times. He also served as Director of the State Departments Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs.PAUL E. GRAY: Mr. Gray is Chairman of the Corporation for Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Previously, he served as MITs President and as Chancellor of the Institute.MAURICE R. GREENBERG: Mr. Greenberg is Chairman and CEO of American International Group, Inc.HENRY A. GRUNWALD: Mr. Grunwald is former Editor-in-Chief of Time, Inc.RICHARD N. HAASS: Mr. Haass is Director of National Security Programs and Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. He served as Special Assistant to President George Bush and Senior Director for Near East and South Asian Affairs of the National Security Council.WILLIAM HOOD: Mr. Hood is a former Executive Officer of the Counterintelligence Staff of the CIA.CORDELL HULL: Mr. Hull is Executive Vice Chairman of Bechtel Enterprises, Inc.RICHARD KERR: Mr. Kerr is former Deputy Director of the CIA and Deputy Director of Central Intelligence. He also served as Acting Director of Rosetta Stone Hindi Central Intelligence.JOSHUA LEDERBERG: Mr. Lederberg is University Professor and President Emeritus as well as Sackler Foundation Scholar at The Rockefeller University.JESSICA T. MATHEWS: Ms. Mathews is Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and a columnist for The Washington Post.
What about his wife and son, Ringelblum asked
Over the course of the disaster, the purpose of the project -- and Ringelblum's understanding Rosetta Stone of his mission as a historian -- changed. In the early stage of occupation, before anyone suspected the Nazis would carry out mass murder, the aim was to write for future generations of Polish Jewry. Later, as the dimensions of the Final Solution became known, their testimony would be both evidence of the crime and a chronicle of how ghetto inhabitants tried to hang on to some morality in the middle of hell.But Ringelblum never succumbed to what he defined as the ultimate despair: the failure to record what one saw. He wrote while he was starving, he wrote in a crowded underground bunker. He wrote Rosetta Stone Software until the end, literally. In March 1944, after the whereabouts of his bunker outside the ghetto walls were betrayed, the Germans took all 38 Jews hiding there as well as the two Poles who tended to them to Warsaw's Pawiak Prison to be shot. Writer Yekhiel Hirschaut let him know that other Jewish prisoners were intent on trying to save him. What about his wife and son, Ringelblum asked? No, that was not possible. Ringelblum declined the offer.Some of the Oyneg Shabes writers included their own last testaments in the archive. Nineteen-year-old David Graber wrote, "What we were unable to cry and shriek out to the world we buried in the ground." Journalist Gustawa Jarecka, last seen with her two small children on Jan. 18, 1943, being marched toward the death trains, left this behind: "We have nooses fastened around our necks. When the pressure abates Rosetta Stone Portuguese for a moment we utter a cry. Its importance should not be underestimated. Many a time in history did such cries resound, for a long time they resounded in vain, and only much later did they produce an echo."Steinman, author of "The Souvenir," is at work on "The Crooked Mirror: A Conversation With Poland."
Learning German Language From Different Aspects
In the modern times there are many people who are crazy of learning German, because they Rosetta Stone Language want to enhance their language knowledge as well as language skills, so they can get more career opportunities in the future. However, anything is not easy if you do not have a plan. So if you want to learn German language better, you must consider many questions clearly, so you can have a clear plan to learn this kind of language. Generally speaking, you can consider your learning plan from these aspect: such as Expectations and Challenges as well as Tools.1. First, you must consider what benefit of learning German language can ing you. So you can have more intention to learn this language. It is well known that learning a language can have an important effect on your knowledge vocabulary, and it can expand your employment areas, so you can have a better career plan. For example, if your boss is willing to have some business with a German company, so at this time, if you can speak German well, you will give your boss a great help, so you will show your value to your boss, so that your boss will pay more attention to your ability, so that your career life will be more ight. Further more, there are Language Learning Software also many German speaking areas as well as German speaking countries which have many attractive travel areas as well as interesting cultures, so you will have more chance to have a good time in these areas, and you will have more chance show your ability in these areas. Even you know less about German language or German culture, you can also have more chance to have a trip to German areas.2. Second, you must prepare for your learning plan carefully. For example, which method you should choose to learn? Using software or going to school? There are many people choose Rosetta Stone Heew to learn Heew. For another example, you must know that how long you must pay more attention to your learning to gain an effective outcome. Although German is not very difficult for most people, it still is not easy for most beginners. Like any other languages, learning German need you to pay much time as well as much attention to it new words, its grammar, its pronunciation as well as its sentence structure. If only you can pay more attention to this language and learn it hard, you will learn it better.3. In the modern times, it is very necessary for you to make use of some good language software to learn a new language. For example, there are many people who learn Heew language with Rosetta Stone Heew, and they have gained a good result through this way of learning. Of Learn Spain Spanish course, you also can use Rosetta Stone German to learn German as fast as you can.
Basic Facts Before You Learning Portuguese Language
It is well known that Portuguese is a popular language in the world, many people are Rosetta Stone V3 very interested in this kind of language and they are eager to learn this kind of language. However, learning a foreign language is a difficult thing which need not only your hard work but also your patience which is the most important character to complete a hard program. First, you should know which country are making use of this kind of language as their native language or their official language as well as their second language, and you should know that how many people speak this kind of language in the world as well as how many countries make use of this kind of language as their official language, of course you also should know where the countries which speak Portuguese Language are located in the world, and which language is similar to this kind of language, so that you can know much more information about this kind of language.In addition, there are many different dialects of Portuguese that you can learn. Each language has several different dialects which comes out from its special region, because the habits of people who live in these different special regions are very different, so that Rosetta Stone Italian the ways they speak and work are also very different. We know that many dialects are very funny which are full of regional characters, so if you are very interested in these interesting dialects, you had better learn it as a basic work to learn the real Portuguese Language.If you have dreams of traveling the world, you can choose travel to the countries which make use of Portuguese Language as its main language. You can travel to its famous regions which can ing you the inspiration of learning this kind of language. Such as some beautiful place which can ing you fresh air to improve your memory power, so you had better choose learning a language at this time, because this way will enhance your learning efficiency. Traveling to a country but without being able to speak native language there is a risky idea. So before you traveling, you had better learn some basic and useful phrases to help you when you need.however, learning a language also needs lots of resources and learning tools. So that you must make sure you have enough resources to have a learning when you meet some problems. Rosetta Stone Portuguese is a kind of software which can be the best and the most special software about learning a new language.owsing through all the things above, maybe you have learned something on learning a foreign language, especially the one you have chosen. Want to learn Rosetta Stone German more, click Rosetta Stone Portuguese and Rosetta Stone Russian.
Why Should Children Learn American Sign Language?
Sign language for children has proven to be very effective in developingRosetta Stone Outlet their learning skills. When children learn American Sign Language at a young age, it helps to stimulate the learning side of their brain. In addition, it helps to make new connections between the neurotransmitters. Experts have shown that learning more than one language helps to develop the intricacies of the brain. Many people all over the world learn two or more languages. Medical professionals tend to recommend introducing sign language for children at a very young age due to the vocal cords not being completely developed. In addition, it has shown that children who know sign language can process communication with their parents in terms of processing that child's request for its needs. Why is the child crying nonstop? Ask the child, in sign language, and solve the problem. Benefits of Sign Language for Children:Children learning American Sign Language benefit in numerous ways. First, they are learning a new language which helps them with learning additional languages in the future. Second, it provides them with a means to communicate their needs at a very early age. Imagine not being able to communicate your needs to a parent or guardian. How would it feel? Sign language for children offers them the ability to express their desires in a nonfrustrating way. We all have seen babies throw a tantrum. It is not a pretty sight. Imagine for a moment, that baby learned a few simple words in American Sign Language how that scenario would be different. Not only doesRosetta Stone Spain Spanish sign language for children help them to express themselves, but it also provides them the ability to learn other languages in the future. Learning more than one language will only help further develop the brain for future growth and development. Many children have learned some signs long before they were ever able to speak with words.Sign Language for Children Should Be Taught To Whom?Sign language for children should not only be taught to the very young, but also to people with learning disabilities. Many people would benefit from learning how to sign. There are children born with learning difficulties that would love to be able to communicate the same way children do in American Sign Language. We need to be able to teach sign language for children and also other groups that may have problems expressing themselves in a vocal manner. Children from every educational background should be introduced to American Sign Language. Sign language for children is a fascinating to everyone involved. Introduce your children to American Sign Language and watch them grow. Results of Sign Language for Children:Children learning American Sign Language develop a better selfesteem. He or she is able to communicate effectively in mother tongue and also in target language. Knowing more than one language is imperative to one's future success. The more we can teach our children American Sign Language, the better our community will be in the future. Sign language can be learned by everyone, not just children. However, the result of sign language for children is a more expressive, less frustrated child. Expose your children to American Sign Language and see for yourself a happier, healthierRosetta Stone Japanese relationship between you and your loved ones.
The necessity and urge of improving English
The necessity and urge of improving English was felt much more than ever. The syllabuses Rosetta Stone Outlet were mostly based on structural type followed by Grammartranslation method and after that Situational method. The new era of English flourished in the beginning of twentyfirst century, i.e. after 2001, because of changes taken place in the policies of teaching English in neighboring and in many other countries. The growth of the jobs in the private sectors and in multinational companies created the demand of the persons who know effective English practically needed for communication across the national borders. Hence, the emergence of the Communicative Language Teaching Approaches in Asian countries has given a new thought of rethinking on the policy to be implemented because the graduated people could not use English effectively. It is felt in Bangladesh lately, but it was felt earlier in many countries since many of these learners knew grammar rules but could not use the target language communicatively, and others urgently needed immediate survival competency in English.'(Rogers, 2002). Emotional attachment, socioeconomic conditions, post liberation war unstable conditions, restlessness in mindsetup regarding political issues hindered the way of improving educational sector in Bangladesh as well as English also.Thus the concept of teaching English grammar seems to have been provided with the idea of the failure of the cited methods to teach English grammar effectively in Bangladesh. For this reason, this study emphasizes how teaching grammar through communicative language teaching approach (CLTA) is functioning in the context of Bangladesh.Research Questions:This paper seeks to understand teaching grammar through communicative language teaching approach (CLTA) in the context of Bangladesh. Despite many teaching approaches of English language, CLTA seems, at present, an appreciable method very often discussed among the academics and is heard as a popular language teaching approach in the globe. Actually students in Bangladesh from class 01 to class 12 have English courses on their syllabus but unfortunately most of them are remaining below the competent level with a very few exceptions. At the Rosetta Stone Chinese same time, even many university graduates cannot reach at least the communicative level of speaking and writing English language using correct grammar. In such a situation this paper attempts to address the possible problems causing the barriers for learning English grammar in Bangladesh with the following questions.a) Is teaching English Grammar important for the students at the undergraduate level?b) Are GrammarTranslation methods, Audio lingual method, Berlitz Method (Direct Method) and so on not effective to teach English grammar?c) Does the undergraduate syllabus have sufficient elements to satisfy the present need in the field of communication?d) Are the students capable enough to learn grammar clearly for communicative perspective?e) Do the teachers have sufficient knowledge and adaptability to accept teaching grammar through CLTA? What role is being played by the teacher, a facilitator or a dictator?f) Is the policy of Bangladesh suitable to nourish the technique of teaching grammar through Communicative Language Teaching Approach?g) Are the socioeconomic and infrastructural condition impediments for this approach?Research Methodology:Multiple methods would be used in the investigation including interviews, classroom observations, journal writings and analysis of lesson plans. Data would be analyzed and categorized for common themes and patterns in the undergraduate level of English teaching including various sectors under Public Universities, National University and Madrassa level. The central theme of the analysis would highlight the interactive relationship between beliefs, knowledge and instructional contexts in teachers' personal framework of teaching grammar and learners' inherent belief in the practical context.The primary amp; secondary data would be sought on the basis of practical experience. Basically the Rosetta Stone French secondary data will be considered as per the set standard of the Native amp; NonNative English experts.
Arha Franklin Calls Surgery 'Highly Successful'
Kevin Mazur/WireImage Arha Franklin Rosetta Stone outlet who has been in and out of the hospital since the summer had surgery Thursday that was "highly successful," according to a statement released Thursday. The singer, 68, has not revealed what she is being treated for."God is still in control," Franklin said. "I had superb doctors and nurses whom were blessed by all the prayers of the city and the country." Fans held a vigil for the singer Wednesday in Droit.In August, Franklin canceled two New York shows Rosetta Stone Japanese after breaking two ribs in a fall. She had a brief hospital stay in late October for undisclosed reasons, and said at the time that she was eager to g back on the road. However, just days later she canceled all of her concert dates through May.Read Mary J. Bliges tribute to ArhaHer most recent performance was in late July, when she performed with former Secrary of State Condoleezza Rice in Philadelphia. Franklin joined Rice a classically trained pianist for two songs at a charity concert.Franklin, whom Rosta Stone ned the greatest singer of all time in 2008, received a Grmy nomination Wednesday for her du with Ron Isley, "Youve Got A Friend," in the Best RB Performance By A Duo Or Group With Vocals category. Franklin was honored with the Grmys Lifime Achievement Award in 1994.Arha Franklin calls her surgery a Rosetta Stone Portuguese success [Associated Press].
It wasnt clear if the mal chpions were winded
In 1992, after being inducted as part of the Yardbirds, Beck dropped an F-bomb at the group Rosetta Stone V3 that had fired him. Last night, flanked by lifelong friend Jimmy Page, a grinning Beck said the second time was "twice the fun, innit? I really didnt enjoy the first one, because I had to be part of the band."Beck brought out the guitar stars: Aerosmiths Joe Perry made the trip to Cleveland just to see his six-string idols induction. On the red carp, Perry said Beck is "the best on guitar. Its a guitar lesson every time I see him play. And hes a good guy, too." After the show, Perry gave another reason he could be on hand: Recording for Aerosmiths new album is on hold while frontman Steven Tyler recovers from pneumonia. In the meantime, Perry is working on a solo album. The guitarist plans to sing on it, then tour after Aerosmiths fall trek.Perry helped close the show, joining Mallica, Flea, Beck, Page and the Rosta Stones Ron Rosetta Stone German Wood in a building-shaking version of classic-rock anthem "Train Kept A Rollin." After, leaning on a silver-capped cane, Perry looked downright regal compared to the Mallica, who were still sweaty from their previous 15-minute thrash workout.It wasnt clear if the mal chpions were winded, didnt feel like chatting, or both. They did pose for pictures, but kept comments brief. Guitarist Kirk Hmt said of the 10-man j, "From a guitar players point of view, I just died and went to heaven." Drenched, drummer Lars Ulrich mugged for photographers and showed why hes been a driving force in the band: After more than 25 years playing speed mal, hes still got fast fe and a quick wit. When a journalist asked where the afterparty was, Ulrich had an answer ready for the room: "Your moms house."Soul man S Moore (of Hall of Fe duo S and Dave) played the official afterparty at House of Blues, turning in a s that included a nuanced rendition of the Polices "Every Breathe You Rosetta Stone Hindi Take." Mallica bassist Rob Trujillo was at the bash, but our party reporter said the rest of Mallica werent in sight. Maybe Lars wasnt kidding. Full Report: Mallica, Run-DMC, Jeff Beck Join the Rock and Roll Hall of Fe at Wild Induction Ceremony Rosta Stones essential Rock and Roll Hall of Fe coverage.
The states main industries are clothing
The Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI) controlled the presidency Rosetta Stone V3 and state government until the year 2000.Durango TodayThe two areas of Durango most crucial to the states economic success are Durango City and La Laguna. Situated near the Sierra Madre Occidental, Durango City provides wood for the states paper industries. La Laguna (The Lake), a region that straddles the states of Coahuila and Durango and enjoys moderate temperatures year-round, is an important agricultural area and home to a large number of Mexicos vineyards.In 1994, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), designed to encourage trade among the United States, Canada and Mexico by eliminating tariffs and lifting many restrictions on various categories of trade goods, went into effect. Durango capitalized on the opportunity by building maquiladoras (assembly plants), which manufacture goods for companies such companies as Rosetta Stone Hindi Wal-Mart and Honda.By the early 21st century, Durango was home to nearly 4,000 industrial enterprises employing more than 100,000 workers. The states main industries are clothing, wood products, auto parts, food processing and electronics. In addition, mining, particularly of silver and gold, continues to be an important source of revenue.Durango offers a diversity of outdoor activities, like canoeing, mountain and rock climbing, camping and nature tours. Many historical museums, art exhibitions, annual festivals and live music venues provide entertainment for residents and tourists alike. Durango has also been the setting for several Mexican and American films.Facts & FiguresCapital: DurangoMajor Cities (population): Durango (526,659) Gmez Palacio (304,515) Ciudad Lerdo (129,191) El Salto (47,104) Santiago Papasquiaro (41,539)Size/Area: 47,560.4 square milesPopulation: 1,509,117 (2005 Census)Year of statehood: 1825Fun FactsThe crown atop Durangos coat of arms signifies that Rosetta Stone Korean the state was once ruled by the Spanish crown.
The Pope is with you in your daily task of servingthe faithful and his prayer accompanies you
With theseheartfelt sentiments, I entrust you, your Churches, and theplans and hopes of the People of God in Ukraine to theMother of God in heaven, and Rosetta Stone outlet I cordially impart myblessing.PILGRIMAGE TOUKRAINEADDRESS OF THE HOLY FATHERMeeting withRepresentatives of the All-Ukrainian Councilof Churchesand Religious OrganizationsSunday 24 June 2001Kyiv(National Philharmonic)Illustrious Representatives of theAll-Ukrainian Councilof Churches and ReligiousOrganizations1. I am very grateful to those who have madepossible todays meeting, which gives me the opportunity inthe course of my visit to know more familiarly therepresentatives of the different Churches and ReligiousOrganizations present in Ukraine. I extend cordial andrespectful greetings to all of you. I express my heartfeltappreciation of the Pan-Ukrainian Councils service to thesafeguarding and promotion of spiritual and religiousvalues, which are indispensable for the building of agenuinely free and democratic society. Your excellentOrganization contributes in no small measure to creating theconditions for an ever greater understanding between themembers of the different Churches and ReligiousOrganizations, in a spirit of mutual respect and in theconstant search for a sincere and fruitful dialogue. I mustalso mention your praiseworthy efforts in favour of peacebetween individuals and between peoples.2. Your existenceand your daily endeavours testify in a concrete way to thefact that the religious element is an essential part of thepersonal Rosetta Stone Spanish V3 identity of everyone, no matter the race, people orculture to which they belong. Religion, when practised witha humble and sincere heart, makes a specific andirreplaceable contribution to the promotion of a just andfraternal society.How could a State that wishes to bereally democratic fail to have full respect for thereligious freedom of its citizens? There is no truedemocracy where one of the fundamental freedoms of theperson is trampled on. During the long and sorrowful periodof dictatorships, Ukraine too experienced the devastatingeffects of atheistic oppression which represses man andsubjects him to a regime of slavery. Now you face the urgentchallenge of rebuilding the social and moral fabric of thenation. Through your activities you are called to make anessential contribution to this work of social renewal, byshowing that only in a climate of respect for religiousfreedom is it possible to build a society which is fullyhuman.3. In the first place I greet you, dear Brothersunited by common faith in Christ who died and rose again.The violent Communist persecution did not succeed ineliminating the yearning for Christ and his Gospel from thespirit of the Ukrainian people, because this faith is partof its history and its very life. In fact, in speaking ofreligious freedom in this land of yours, our thoughts goback spontaneously to the glorious beginnings ofChristianity, which for over a thousand years has marked itscultural and social identity. It was with the baptism ofPrince Volodymyr and the people of Rus in the year 988 thatthe presence of the faith and Christian life began on thebanks of the Dnieper. From here the Gospel then reached thedifferent peoples living in the Eastern part of the Europeancontinent. I recalled this fact in my Apostolic LetterEuntes in Mundum, on the occasion of the Millennium of theBaptism of the Rus of Kyiv, and I emphasized how this eventled to a great missionary expansion: "towards the West asfar as the Carpathians, from the southern banks of theDnieper as far as Novgorod and from the northern banks ofthe Volga ... as far as the shores of the Pacific Ocean Rosetta Stone English andbeyond" (No. 4, cf. also the Message Magnum Baptismi Donum,1).At a time when there was still full communion betweenRome and Constantinople, Saint Volodymyr, preceded by theexample of Princess Olga, dedicated himself to safeguardingthe spiritual identity of the people, and at the same timeto fostering the insertion of Rus within the totality ofthe other Churches.
The secondpart of the question is that member's opinion.AustralianTrade Minister--Meetings 3.
MARK PECK (NZLabour--Invercargill) to the Minister for TradeNegotiations: What progress can he report from his meetingwith the Australian trade minister? Hon. JIM SUTTON(Minister for Trade Negotiations): Mark Vaile Rosetta Stone software and I had anexcellent meeting in Christchurch. We discussed a number oftrans-Tasman issues, and initiated a successful dialoguebetween two of our most important industries--dairy and ICT.We also focused on our close cooperation in multilateral andregional areas. No two countries work more closely togetherthan we do in the WTO and the Cairns Group. We alsodiscussed our plans to mark the twentieth anniversary ofcloser economic relations next year. Mark Peck: Can theMinister tell us whether that is consistent with the Speechfrom the Throne? Hon. JIM SUTTON: Yes. In the Speechfrom the Throne, the Government confirmed that it wouldcontinue to progress trans-Tasman cooperation under closereconomic relations, that it would push for bilateral andmultilateral trade liberalisation, and that it wouldimplement strategies under the growth and innovationframework. My discussions with Mark Vaile progressed each ofthose objections, and the two industries have indicated theywish to work more closely to target third markets. Drthe Hon. Lockwood Smith: Did he receive confirmation fromthe Australian Trade Minister that Australia supported theNew Zealand Government's plan to ride Australia's coat-tailsinto a free trade agreement with the United States,particularly in the light of Australia's previous decisionto shun a joint approach with New Zealand and make a directappeal to America alone? Hon. JIM SUTTON: There isnothing in closer economic relations that requires the twoparties to negotiate jointly with third countries. TheAustralians chose to make their own approach to the UnitedStates last year. We are also working hard on our proposalin Washington. Although Australia is not there yet, wewelcome any success it achieves, because in Australia andthe US the Federation of Tax Administrators would increasethe chances of one between the US and New Zealand. Rodney Hide: On reflection on the meeting with the Minister,did the Minister give any thought to harmonising ourbusiness laws with Australia more, and in particular takingour top rate of tax down to match that of Australia's to30c, if so, what was the result of his reflections? Hon. JIM SUTTON: Yes, harmonisation of business law has beenan agenda item between Mark Vaile and I throughout ourrespective tenures as trade Ministers. No, we Rosetta Stone Chinese did notdiscuss specifically the possibility of changing NewZealand's tax rates to be the same as Australia's, or viceversa, nor would we be so silly as to do so. RodDonald: Did the Minister's Australian counterpart brief himon Australian State level by local policies such as therecently announced Western Australian target of purchasing80 percent of goods and services from local suppliers, andwhen will New Zealand learn some lessons from AustralianGovernment commitments to local businesses and support theminstead of foreign ones? Hon. JIM SUTTON: No, we didnot discuss that. We rely on each other to observe our WorldTrade Organization and closer economic relationscommitments. Hon. Peter Dunne: Since 69 percent of NewZealand businesses have nominated tax boundary and customsissues as being the major issues in our relationship withAustralia, what specific steps were taken in respect of eachof those as a result of the talks held yesterday? Hon.JIM SUTTON: The talks I held yesterday were concerned withMx17D,ori agriculture and forestry. However, my talks last weekwith the Australian Trade Minister discussed many items inthose general areas, but none of which have reached thestage of agreement that could be announced.Question No. 2to Minister Hon. PAUL SWAIN (Minister of Transport): Iseek leave to table a document that lists the contracts AirNew Zealand has to provide engineering and maintenanceservices. Document, by leave, laid on the Table of theHouse.Fonterra--Commerce Act 4. DEBORAH CODDINGTON(ACT NZ) to the Minister of Commerce: In view of plummetingdairy payouts, is she satisfied with the Government'sdecision to exempt the dairy industry mega-merger that gaverise to the virtual monopoly, Fonterra, from Commerce Actrequirements? Hon. LIANNE DALZIEL (Minister ofCommerce): Yes. Deborah Coddington: In the light of theMinister's answer, what Rosetta Stone French is the difference between a dairyindustry monopoly and an airline industry monopoly, giventhat the Speech from the Throne states that ordinarycompetition law will apply to any sale of Air NewZealand? Hon. LIANNE DALZIEL: The Government's decisionto deregulate has given Fonterra a stable domesticregulatory environment in order to compete internationally.How Fonterra actually performs in that international marketis a matter for Fonterra's management and itsshareholders.
During a period ofbudget stringency
When we were faced with rebuildingessential intelligence capabilities, we had to make sometough choices. Although resources for virtually everythingelse in CIA were going down, counterterrorism resources weregoing up. After the US embassies in Africa Rosetta Stone software were bombed,we knew that neither surging our resources nor internalrealignments were sufficient to fund a war on terrorism.Consequently, in the fall of 1998, I asked theAdministration to increase intelligence funding by more than$2.0 billion annually for fiscal years 2000-2005 and I madesimilar requests for FY 2001-2006 and FY 2002-2007. Onlysmall portions of these requests were approved.Counterterrorism funding and manpower needs were number oneon every list I provided to Congress and the Administrationand, indeed, it was at the top of the funding list approvedby Speaker Gingrich in FY1999, the first year in which wereceived a significant infusion of new money for USintelligence capabilities during the decade of the 90s.That supplemental, and those that followed it, wereessential to our efforts. They helped save American livesand we are grateful. We knew, however, that we could notcount on supplemental funds to build multi-year programs andthat is why we worked so hard to reallocate our resourcesand to seek five year funding increases. I want to make acouple of comments about manpower. In CIA alone, I count theequivalent of 700 officers working counterterrorism inAugust 2001 at both Rosetta Stone Spain Spanish headquarters and in the field. Thatnumber does not include the people who were working topenetrate either technically or through human sources amultitude of threat targets from which we could deriveintelligence on terrorists. Nor does it include friendlyliaison services and coalition partners. You simply cannotgauge the level of effort by counting only the people whohad the words "al-Qa'ida" or "Bin Ladin" in their positiondescription. We reallocated all the people we could giventhe demands placed on us for intelligence on a number of thehighest priority issues such as chemical, nuclear andbiological proliferation, and support to operationalmilitary forces. We surged thousands of people to fight thisfight when the threat was highest. When we realized surgingwas not sufficient, we began a sustained drumbeat bothwithin the Administration and the 26 Congress that wehad to have more people and money devoted to this fight.Nonetheless, it will take many more years to recover thecapabilities we lost during the resource decline of the1990s. The DCI's Role Up to now I have been talkingabout the terrorist threat and the actions of organizationsto combat it. I would like to turn briefly to a morepersonal topic - the role the American people have entrustedto me in this important endeavor. The DCI is prosecutingthis war every day. I was doing that before the September 11attacks and I am doing it now. Going back to the Millenniumthreat period, there is a meeting almost every day at CIAabout what Rosetta Stone English we are doing operationally, what therelationships are among all the players. The need for theDCI to lead and communicate on these issues is never goingto change.
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What if someones health fails betweentaking the early tests and their birthday
Anydeterioration in health should be noted by their doctor whocan advise the person to cease driving if it would be unsafeto continue. If appropriate the doctor can also notify LandTransport NZ.Changes Rosetta Stone outlet affecting commercialdriversIn 1999, the GDLS for drivers of heavy motorvehicles was changed to allow for the introduction of a newlicence classification system based on vehicle weights. This requires licence holders to progress from a lower to ahigher licence class (Classes 2 to 5) so that they buildtheir skills and gain experience driving smaller/lightervehicles before being entitled to drive larger/heaviervehicles with different handling characteristics. Inaddition, licence endorsements are required to drivespecial-type vehicles (e.g. forklifts, excavators, mobilecranes). The government recognises that the heavy vehicleindustry currently faces challenges in recruiting, trainingand retaining drivers. A number of amendments coming intoforce on 1 June 2006 will assist in building workforcecapacity. What are the changes?There are two mainchanges:1. Drivers aged 25 or over can move through thelicensing classes more quickly, by reducing the timerequired to be spent in each licence class when progressingthrough licence classes 2 to 5. These drivers can nowchoose to either:- fulfil the minimum time of 3 months(previously 6 months) required to hold a full Class 2, 3 or4 licence before being able to apply for the next higherclass of licence, or- complete a course when applyingfor a Class 3L, 4L or 5L, with no minimum timerequirement2. Increasing the maximum vehicle weightallowed under some licence classes to allow some heaviervehicles to be driven with a lower class of licence.Whatvehicles do the licence classes relate to?Licenceclasses are as follows - Class 2 , medium rigid vehiclelicence - Class 3 , medium combination vehicle licence- Class 4 , heavy rigid vehicle licence - Class 5 ,heavy combination vehicle licence Is there a risk to roadsafety? Land Transport NZ and the Ministry of Transportdo not consider there Rosetta Stone Spanish V3 is a risk to road safety. Thechange is restricted to drivers aged 25 years and over. Thisis because crash statistics consistently show that driversaged below 25 years are involved in more fatal and seriousinjury crashes than any other group. The risk is lower fordrivers aged 25 years as they are likely to have had severalyears of driving experience. Where do you find out aboutthese training courses?Land Transport NZ regionaloffices have information on approved courses and courseproviders. Why is there a shortage of heavy vehicledrivers?The shortage of heavy vehicle drivers is aresult of the increasing demand for freight and coachtransport. What does this change mean for trucking inNew Zealand? This will help create a more flexibleworkforce and bring greater employment opportunities todrivers. This change assists industry by reducing the timeit takes to progress drivers from lower to higher licenceclasses. This means a more diversified workforce and helpsto address a shortage of qualified heavy vehicledrivers.Whats the matter with the old rule? Truckdrivers had to remain in a lower full licence class for sixmonths before applying for a learner licence of a higherlicence class. The aim was to encourage on-road drivingexperience with a supervisor, but the effect has been toimpact badly on the trucking industry and the employment oftruck drivers. Changing the weight thresholds- Raisethe GLW of rigid vehicles that can be driven on a Class 2licence from 15,000kg to 18,000kg- Increase the GLWlimit for forklifts allowed to be driven on a Class 1licence from 15,000kg to 18,000kg- Increase the GLWlimit for special-type vehicles that run on rollers, wheelsand self-laying tracks allowed to be driven on a Class 1licence from 4,500kg to 18,000 kgWhat does this changemean for bus and truck drivers? This change givesoperators greater flexibility in assigning drivers tovehicles so increasing flexibility for the workforce and thefleet. The change will allow about 70% of buses and 20% oftrucks over the 15,000 kg GLW category to be driven on aClass 2 licence. This change will help to facilitate themore efficient use of about 200 new Man vehicles buses, witha gross laden weight (GLW) of 16,000 kg that currentlycannot be driven by drivers whose licence has a maximumlimit of 15,000 kg. What other effects will this changehave?Increasing the GLW limit of rigid vehiclespermitted to be driven under a class 2 licence, from 15,000kg to 18,000 kg will allow vehicles with three axles to bedriven on a Class 2 licence. Wont this mean that peopleare driving a vehicle beyond their skill?No, differencesin vehicle size and handling characteristic between 2-axleand 3-axle motor vehicles are not significant. Whatvehicles do the licence endorsements relate to?Licenceendorsements are as follows - F , special-type vehiclesthat are forklifts - R , special-type vehicles that run on rollers- T , special-type vehicles that run onself-laying tracks - W , special-type vehicles that runon wheels and are not forkliftsWhat does this change meanfor drivers of special-type vehicles- Increases the GLWlimit of special-type vehicles on rollers and self-layingtracks that can be driven on a Class 1 licence from 4,500kgto 18,000kg- Allow a special-type vehicle that runs onwheels to be driven on a Class 1 licence provided ithas:o a GLW of 4,500kg or less, oro a GLW of morethan 4,500kg but not more than Rosetta Stone English 18,000kg, and is beingdriven at a speed not exceeding 30kph- Allow aspecial-type vehicle that runs on wheels to be driven on aClass 2 licence provided it has:o a GLW of more than4,500kg but not more than 18,000 kg, and is driven at aspeed in excess of 30kph, oro a GLW of more than18,000kg, and is being driven at a speed not exceeding30kph.- Allow forklifts rollers and self-laying tracksspecial-type vehicles with GLW of more than 18,000kg to bedriven on a Class 2 licence.
Inthe words of our Declaration, in the words written by Thomas Jefferson
Inthe words of our Declaration, in the words written by Thomas Jefferson, each of us is created equal and endowed byour Creator with certain rights, among them life, libertyand the pursuit of happiness. Now when you think about that,if you truly believe that each of us is created equal andendowed by our Creator with those rights, then you know thatthose rights are not just reserved for America, but thatthose Rosetta Stone software rights belong to all human beings everywhere. TheJamestown Commission and its activities, and the Democracyconference series commemorate the 400th anniversary of ajourney that when you think about it, really changed theworld. You heard Tim mentioned the growth of democracy inour lifetime. The President described it in his secondinaugural address as a "seed upon the wind", that it isspreading as we go. Many of our nation's democratic idealsand institutions -- from the rule of law to our culturaldiversity -- can trace their roots to Jamestown. Of course,the journey that began there is ongoing and part of mymission in public diplomacy and our country's mission is toshare what we have learned with the rest of the world. Notbecause we're perfect -- as you heard from Thomas Jeffersonhimself here today, American history is in large part of astory of our own challenge to live up to our ideals. Weshould never forget that at the time Thomas Jeffersondrafted the Declaration of Independence, the words "all menare created equal" did not apply to all men, and certainlynot to all women. But the fact that we have struggled tolive up to the high calling of our ideals only underscores their value and our belief that they are right and true andapplicable not only to Americans but to all peopleeverywhere. Today, America and our fri and partnersthroughout the world face a new struggle between the forcesof freedom and the forces of tyranny. Last September, ashe swore me in, President Bush gave me some pretty clear orders. He talked about spreading the message of freedom anddemocracy requiring a more aggressive effort to share andcommunicate our countries basic values. He pointed out thewar of terrorism will not be won by force of arms alone,but also in the battle of ideas. President Bush instructedSecretary Rice and me to "marshal all the resources of thefederal government to this critical mission" and added thatpublic diplomacy was to be the job of every member of hisadministration. To do this, at the State Department weare moving aggressively to put Rosetta Stone Greek in place a foundation forwhat I like to call "waging peace". That's my part of thewar on terror -- waging peace. And I use the word "waging"very intentionally because I believe we must be veryfocused and clear about the commitment that it's going torequire. I have outlined 3 strategic objectives that helpguide me as I do my job. First of all, that America mustcontinue to offer people across the world a positive visionof hope and opportunity that is rooted again in the strengthof our fundamental values, our belief in freedom andjustice, in opportunity and respect for every person. I sawan interview of a young man in Morocco and he was asked,"What America meant to him?" And he gave what I thought wasa very eloquent reply. He said, "For me, America representsthe hope of a better life." And it's very important that wecontinue to hold out that hope to people everywhere. Iremember a man in Egypt asking me, "Does statue of libertystill face out?" It is important that we face out to theworld that we offer that image of hope that we mustcontinue to be that shinning city on a hill that PresidentReagan spoke of. And that's why we speak out for democracyand against human rights abuses, for free press and againstthose who stifle religious freedom. Again, not becausewe're perfect, but because we uphold those ideals and wewant constantly to keep ourselves and for countries and nations around the world to seek and uphold them Rosetta Stone Hindi V3 in a betterway. Our second strategic imperative is to isolate andmarginalize violent extremists in terror networks andconfront their ideology of tyranny and hate.
Members of the Inter-AmericanDevelopment Bank are close to an agreement on another debtrelief initiative, and we look forward to helping themcomplete
This agreement will cancel $3.4 billion owed bysome of the poorest countries in Rosetta Stone V3 our hemisphere -- Boliviaand Guyana and Haiti and Honduras and Nicaragua. That worksout to about $110 for every man, woman and child in thesecountries, monies that their government should use to investin the education and health of their citizens.People inthis region have the talent and drive they need to succeed.These are hardworking folks. I used to remind people inTexas, family values didn't stop at the Rio Grande River.There's a lot of mothers and dads in our neighborhood whocare deeply about whether or not their children can grow upin a hopeful society. What they need is, in order to be ableto realize that hope, is better access to capital. Theentrepreneurial spirit is strong, strong in this room andit's strong throughout the region. But what we need iscapital.So over the past five years, the United Stateshas devoted more than $250 million to help theentrepreneurial spirit flourish in our region. This moneyincludes micro credit loans for people starting smallbusinesses. And these loans have been very successful, and Iappreciate the Congress for appropriating money for thesemicro loans. I'm also directing Secretary Rice andSecretary Paulson to develop a new initiative that will helpU.S. and local banks improve their ability to extend goodloans to small businesses. It's in our interest thatbusinesses flourish in our own neighborhood. Flourishingbusiness will provide Rosetta Stone Latin America Spanish jobs for people at home. They providecustomers for U.S. products. As we help localentrepreneurs get the capital they need we're also going toopen up new opportunities through trade and investment. Ifyou're a rural farmer scratching out a subsistence living,would you want to be able to sell your goods to new marketsoverseas? I think so. You're trying to make a living and themarket is closed, it seems to make sense that you shouldwant to be able to sell into a larger universe.If you'rea worker looking for a job, wouldn't you want more employerscompeting for your labor? The more employers there are inyour neighborhood, the more likely it is you're going tofind a better job. That's not really sophisticated math oreconomics, it just happens to be the truth -- la verdad.When I took office, the United States had tradeagreements with only two nations in our hemisphere. We'venow negotiated agreements with 10 more. We're working for astrong agreement at the Doha Round of global trade talksthat will level the playing field for farmers and workersand small businesses in our country and throughout thehemisphere. Entrepreneurs are taking advantage of themarkets we've helped open. Here's an interesting story foryou. Mariano CanxFA,, he was an indigenous farmer in Rosetta Stone Arabic Guatemalawhose land provided barely enough corn and beans to feed hisfamily. He was scratching to get ahead. No one in his familyhad ever been to college.
Competitiveness is activelydiscouraged in favour of participation, fun, and socialnetworking. In Rosetta Stone V3 some areas, even the rules of the game aredecided democratically! Interested in starting a "politicalfootball" 6-a-side competition in Auckland? Emaildaphne@randomstatic.net. For more information (from ananarchist point of view) see MICHAEL HOUSTOUN TO PLAY BEETHOVEN'S ' MOONLIGHT ' SONATAAT THE 14TH MANAWATU MAYDAY CONCERT Dion Martin,coordinator of the 14th annual Manawatu Mayday Concert, tobe held at the Regent on Broadway, Palmerston North, at7.30pm on Saturday 3 May, is, "thrilled to announce that oneof New Zealand's greatest pianists, Michael Houstoun, hasagreed to play Beethoven's ' Moonlight ' sonata , all 16minutes, 47 seconds"."Michael Houstoun is highly regardedfor his performances of Beethoven's music, and what bettercomposer from the world of classical music to feature in aconcert that celebrates ' International Workers Day ' thanLudwig van Beethoven? He was one of music's greatrevolutionaries, believing passionately in freedom frompolitical and social oppression, and in the brotherhood ofMan". For more information contact Dion Martin 021 776 029or 06 3569658 or dion.martin@ndu.org.nz OCTOBER 15SOLIDARITY WELLINGTONProtest: Saturday 12 April, midday,meet at Te Aro Park (between DixonSt and Manners St)Theprotest will start at Te Aro Park (also known as PigeonPark) and move to the Labour Party Congress (held at theTown Hall). Everyone who opposed the raids is invited tocome and bring banners, placards and noise-makers. Thegovernment has attacked, October 15 Solidarity Wellingtonwill not allow the government that attacked us tocongratulate itself in peace. More information:www.October15thSolidarity.info http://www.October15thSolidarity.info OXFAM CAMPAIGN COORDINATOR NEEDED We are currentlyrecruiting for a Campaign Coordinator at Oxfam New Zealand.The closing date is this Thursday, 10 April at 5pm. Email meor phone for a job description. Kirsty Wright, CampaignCoordinator, Oxfam New Zealand Rosetta Stone Latin America Spanish . Ph 64-9-355 6500 Kirsty.Wright@oxfam.org.nz LOOKINGFOR WORKDylan Tromp dylantromp@hotmail.com 021 828 501 Witha strong professional and academic background ininternational development, Dylan is a passionate advocatefor social justice and the peaceful advancement of humanrights. He has worked with Oxfam Australia, the Fair TradeAssociation of Australia and New Zealand, the AustralianAgency for International Development (AusAID) and a numberof other international development and social justiceorganisations. He is seeking employment from mid-April 2008in the Auckland region. Please contact Dylan directly forfurther details or for a copy of his CV. skype: dylantrompt: 64 9 920 4950, f: 64 9 920 4951, m: 64 21 828501MEMBERS OF THE NEWCASTLE PEOPLES CHORUS WILL TOURNEW ZEALAND, singing ACappella . Influences includethe Flying Pickets, Billy Bragg, and Pete Seeger. Therepertoire includes: Historic Australian songs suchas Beneath the Southern Cross. Traditional Unionsongs like "Bring out the Banners" and "Solidarity."Contemporary songs such as Bruce Springsteens "TheFactory," and Jez Lowes "Coal Town Days." Songs offreedom & struggle including the Flying Pickets "RememberThis". Political satire and ProtestSongs.PerformancesThe Newcastle Peoples Chorus hasgiven more than 300 performances from 1988 2008, andsings regularly at May Day marches, rallies, unionfunctions, picket lines, folk festivals, clubs and pubs. InJuly 2006 the Peoples Chorus toured the UK & Ireland togreat acclaim, performing in London, Durham, Newcastle onTyne, & Dublin, as well as the Tolpuddle Festival in Dorset& St Albans Folk Festival. A general video The PeoplesChorus was released in 1990 and another "Life on the Picket:The Story of the Vickery Coal Strike", in 1997. An audiotape "The People Sing Out" was released in 1995 and a secondvolume (on CD) was released in 2004. For more information:peopleschorus@yahoo.com.au NZ-WIDESOLIDARITY NETWORK WITH VENEZUELAHugo Chavez's Venezuelais an inspiration to hundreds of millions around the world.That's because in Venezuela human beings are now at thecentre of government policy, not the "almighty dollar". Inthe wake of a recent NZ tour by Canberra-based Rosetta Stone Arabic Venezuelandiplomat Nelson Davila, moves are underway in many centresto form a NZ-wide Venezuela solidarity network. This will bebroad and inclusive, with people in each locality decidingwhat their regional structure and priorities will be.
ZIMBABWES CHOLERA EPIDEMIC IS NOTOVER, STRESSES SECRETARY-GENERALSecretary-General BanKi-moon stressed today that the worst cholera outbreak inZimbabwes history, contrary to remarks by the countrysPresident, is far from over, as United Nations agenciesappealed for more funds to tackle the crisis and the effectsof collapsing social services.Media reports have quotedRobert Mugabe as saying that the outbreak, which the UNWorld Health Organization (WHO) confirmed has led to nearly800 deaths, is under control. I cannot agree that thecholera epidemic is over, Mr. Ban told a news conferencein Geneva. The reports I have been receiving .. arealarming, he said. There are still many people who aresuffering from this epidemic. WHO said today that thecurrent cholera outbreak an acute intestinal infectioncaused by contaminated food or water is the most seriousever registered in Zimbabwe, with Rosetta Stone some 16,700 cases sofar. I dont believe the cholera outbreak is undercontrol as of now, WHOs FadxE9,la Chaib told reportersin Geneva.The agency is seeking $6 million to control theoutbreak, which has also spread to neighbouring South Africaand, to a lesser extent, to Botswana and Mozambique. Thereare about 750 cases and 11 deaths so far in SouthAfrica.In addition, the UN Childrens Fund (UNICEF)today appealed for $17.5 million to enable it to scale upits cholera response, provide incentives for teachers toreturn to work, procure essential medicines for hospitalsand help get social services back on track. Thesituation in Zimbabwe is dire and our response has to matchthe severity, said UNICEF Acting Representative RoelandMonasch, Assistance needs to be taken to scale and it hasto happen urgently. For this to happen we needresources. The deepening crisis in Zimbabwe comes amidstgrowing food insecurity, the HIV/AIDS epidemic and poses theworst threat to child survival and development in 20years. UNICEF has been providing intravenous fluids,drips, tents and beds for cholera treatment centres, as wellas trucking 470,000 litres of water per day, drillingboreholes, and distributing water purification tools to morethan 3.5 million Zimbabweans. DR CONGO:UN-MANDATED GROUP FINDS EVIDENCE RWANDA, ARMY AIDING RIVALREBELSA group of experts monitoring a United Nations armsembargo on the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)reported today that it had found evidence that the Rwandanauthorities and the Congolese army have aided opposing rebelgroups in the war-ravaged east of the country.In itsfinal report to the Security Council the Group of Experts,set up in 2004, said that while there is littledocumentation available to prove Rwandan material support tothe rebel National Congress in Defence of the People (CNDP),it had found evidence that Rwandan authorities have beencomplicit in recruiting soldiers, including children,facilitated the supply of military equipment, and sent theirown officers and units to the DRC to support the CNDP.Itbased its research on dozens of interviews witheyewitnesses, including former combatants and officers ofthe mainly Tutsi CNDP, members of the business community,regional intelligence officials and local eyewitnesses, allof them consistent and credible in describing theinvolvement of the Government of Rwanda. Given thenature, however, of the conflict in eastern Congo, much ofthe financial and Rosetta Stone Spanish Latin military support is informal and does notleave a paper trail, the Groups Coordinator JasonStearns told a later news conference.The Grouprecommended that the Security Council Sanctions Committee remind the Government of Rwanda of its obligations under which it pledged last year to prevent any support toCNDP, entry into and exit from its territory of CNDPmembers, use of Rwandan telephone networks and bankingsystems, and holding fund-raising meetings in Rwanda.Withregard to the DRC authorities the Group said it had obtainedstrong evidence that the Government army, known by itsFrench acronym FARDC, collaborated with the mainly HutuDemocratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR),including through the provision of military equipment and injoint operations against CNDP.FDLR collaboratedextensively with FARDC during the December 2007 clashes withCNDP in Masisi and Rutshuru territories and has continued tocollaborate with FARDC during fighting that began thisAugust, it added.An upsurge of fighting since Augustbetween the two rebel movements, the army, and various othermilitias in North Kivu province in eastern DRC has driven250,000 more civilians from their homes, in addition to thehundreds of thousands uprooted in earlier clashesTheGroup interviewed over 30 FDLR ex-combatants, of whom 15provided first-hand, concrete testimony of FARDC-FDLRcollaboration. It also interviewed several former and activeFARDC soldiers who corroborated this information. TheGroup has identified at least three Congolese armycommanders who are guilty of providing support to theFDLR, Mr. Stearns said. While this collaboration iswidespread and regular, the Group has not been able to proveto what extent the top leadership of the army is involved inthis practise but its cleat that they know and have donenothing to bring it to an end. The Group has putforward several FARDC commanders for sanctions forsupporting FDLR and another group called PARECO, andrecommended that the Sanctions Committee request the DRCauthorities to issue clear directives to its troops thatcollaboration and cohabitation with FDLR and PARECO areprohibited. Appropriate disciplinary measures should betaken against FARDC soldiers collaborating with these armedgroups.The report noted that the FDLR obtains millions ofdollars a year from the minerals trade, mostly throughtaxation of mines and traders, and that many traders arecomplicit since they know the gold, cassiterite, coltran andwolframite come from FDLR-controlled zones. We believethat the burden should be on the Congolese buying houses aswell as on Rosetta Stone American English international mineral traders to conduct duediligence into the source of the product, Mr. Stearnssaid of one of the planks in enforcing the embargo.TheGroup also pointed out that CNDP and FDLR leaders reside ortravel through countries in Africa, Europe and North Americawhere they rally support and funds.
Don't Lose Your Foreign Web Site Visitors by Insulting Them With Brain-Dead Translation Services
For some internet marketers it's become a cuttingedge strategy to Rosetta Stone offer multi lingual navigation andpromo material on their sites in the hope of expandingtheir client base. While it is true that internationalusers whose mother tongue is anything but English arebeginning to hit the web in hefty numbers, catering tothem in their own linguistic format is an art initself which doesn't lend itself to the cheap and easy"no brainer" pseudo solutions currently being hawkedon the net. If you offer them one of those, chancesare you'll fend them off forever. Count it as awell-meaning blunder as much as you will, fact isthese clients-to-be can be quite relentless if youconvey the impression that you couldn't care lessabout offering first class services. Don't forget thatvery many people actually love their mother tongue anddon't enjoy seeing it massacred.Linguistics and translation are sciences in their ownright demanding due respect or - at the very least -professional handling. One thing the non-expert shouldget rid off - the sooner the better! - is the fondmyth that familiarity with your mother tongue impliesthat you know all about language and its socialramifications. And it's not about lack of command ofa Rosetta Stone Hindi V3 foreign tongue either - more often than not, it'sthe basic concepts which are flawed, such as thebelief that a word-by-word translation, thoughadmittedly not very elegant, will at least give you a"general idea" of the source text's content. Whilethis may actually be true to some extent within thevery limited context of highly specialized technicalfields (academic papers on chemistry rich in formulaeand procedural descriptions being a case in point),the old law school adage "a little knowledge is adangerous thing" rules even here. Needless to say,relying on imperfect automatization can make matterseven worse.Translation bots tend to reflect this faultyreasoning, and their backing by popular opinion -uneducated in these matters as it usually is - is nogreat help either.Here's just one example of what can happen if youopt for less-than-professional (read: usually free)"translation services". Let's take a real life Germansite rich in textual content and have a look at whatthe most popular translator bot makes of it.lt;UGLYQUOTEgt;"Welcomelytsigaan soft systems tsigaan newsSoftware and computer services, also very good, giveit meanwhile like the proverbial sand at the sea.Thousands of companies and Hirnen compile world-widedaily the most refined solutions, and although withinthis area - like everywhere in the life - all gold islong not, which probably shines there, then thestandards and the requirements of the users Rosetta Stone Portuguese in thelast years nevertheless ever more rose."Source:lt;http://www.confidenz-depesche.com/cgi-confidenz-depesche/optimiert.htmgt;"Translation":lt;http://babelfish.altavista.com/cgi-bin ranslate?gt;lt;/UGLYQUOTEgt;Seriously - would you really want to see your siterepresented in this manner? Welcomely, indeed!And don't try to argue that this is, after all,"better than nothing" - it's the seeming familiarityof the language presented, the fond illusion of "atleast getting the gist of it" that's the really nastypart. Because it can (and most certainly will!) leadyou astray in ever so many subtle ways, and in the endyou may be worse off by a long shot than if you hadn'tunderstood a single word in the first place. Simplyask yourself if you would sign a million dollarcontract of this linguistic "quality"...With the current US dominance of the WWW clearlywaning (as all major studies and analyses will show),getting linked internationally will become ever morecritical. World wide, surfers aren't content withsticking to local or localized search engines in theirown language: rather, the English language is rapidlygaining ground everywhere, even in the formercommunist states, not mention in formerly French orSpanish dominated regions. These people, more and moreof whom are well educated, bilingual and fairly wellversed in English, are increasingly making use ofstateside search engines. It is only a question oftime until even All-American engines will have toadapt to this situation, if only to accomodate theirinternational advertisers. Hence, it stands to reasonthat only link popularity based on real world webdemographics (as opposed to mere wishful thinking andestablished political and cultural prejudices) will beable to satisfy advertisers' and users' demands.So do it right or do it not! Either employ a bona fideprofessional translation service or get someone torevamp your online copy to accomodate all thoseinternational clients whose command of English, whilefairly well informed, is not quite up to par with yourUS or UK biased industrial lingo, er, parlance.This holds true vice versa for non-English sites aswell, of course: don't even dream of relying on one ofthe translator bots doing a good job and permittingyou to cut one single sale! And while your Englishteacher at school may have lauded your enthusiasm overand again, don't delude yourself that this makes you anative speaker.If you are interested in English or American orAustralian or New Zealand clients at all, don't givethem the impression of amateurish incompetence byrefusing to acknowledge the fact that your command ofEnglish may be less than perfect. This is, after all,nothing to be ashamed of - whereas [ Rosetta Stone Software ] trying to get bythis problem on the cheap very well should be! Ifthere's one thing you want to avoid in marketing it'sgetting laughed out of court.The following sites offer "translation" services or,rather, pretend to do so - use at own risk:http://babelfish.altavista.com/http:/ ranslator.go.com/http://www.dictionary.com ranslate/http://www.voila.com/Services/Translate/
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