

Even if this statement is true its only go to apply to a very small percentage of the Rosetta Stone Store world. Children will still go down mines and people will die young in manual labour to produce food and resources in an increasingly constrained world. Employers will have to keep some employees happy - they do its called share options and its not producing the desired effect.Goodwin on the science of qualities references the need for a new type of qualitative evaluation and a different type of educationBrian is one of the really good guys and the concept of qualities is important. It was one of the source ideas that we used as we started to develop impact measurement systems based on narrative. However Brian himself says that the change in educational needs is huge and is not going to happen overnight IF IT HAPPENS at all. HALF EMPTY TO HALF FULLOK so lets move from optimism to pessimism. I think Brian is closer than the others. He is not looking for or forecasting some huge change. Rather he is focusing on something that could be done - namely create new measurement techniques.My own work on network government (and thanks for all the contributions which are still coming in - I will Rosetta Stone Language email everyone who ontributed on that ongoing project opefully next week) is saying that (in line with complexity theory) we should not focus on trying to forecast or define a desired end state: idealism. Instead we need to start multiple small experiments on a safe fail basis which offer the prospect of different ways of doing things. That is also in line with Brian's philosophy by the way. Two of these are I think obvious and are progressing, but we need more.Firstly - creating a measurement technique that produces numbers (familiar) but is based on complex behaviour and does not allow gaming would be a major step forward and we hope to announce something on that at the end of the year (current Beta trials are going well) using large volume self indexed narrative as the source. Linking quantitative material to contextual meaning. owever this approach will not work if ualitative judgments are made in the process. The second is to find ways replicating the tructural (a key word here) success of the Grameen Bank (referenced here) in which we focus on stimulating network capability rather than using resource allocation methods based on a false notion of airness and objectivity.So, to the overall subject. I think the knowledge economy is real. I think if it is to succeed we Rosetta Stone Greek will need to change from "scarcity" models to those of "abundance" and if that is to take place we must stop using the language of scarcity (Assets) when we talk about it.

