
How to Install Hewlett Packard 950C Printer Software

Install the Hewlett Packard 950C printer Rosetta Stone outlet software and drivers to get your printer working with your computer.The Hewlett Packard 950C printer produces high-quality images on photo paper and may be used for everyday printing needs as well. In order for the printer to work with your computer, you must install the appropriate printer driver from Hewlett Packard. The printer comes with software that includes the necessary drivers and programs to get the most out of the 950c. Things You'll NeedHP 950C software and driverPrinter Cable1Insert the HP 950C software CD into the optical drive of Rosetta Stone Japanese your computer. The printer installation wizard should automatically launch. Manually launch the software if the wizard doesn't start on its own by clicking "Start" from the System Tray located at the bottom of the desktop. Then click "Computer" or "My Computer" and double-click the CD/DVD drive.2Attach the printer to your computer by inserting the printer cable into an open USB slot on your computer.3The printer files will begin to copy to your hard drive. Wait for the process to finish. Follow the onscreen instructions to proceed with the installation.4Restart your Rosetta Stone Portuguese computer after installation has completed.5Set the new printer to be your default printer. Click "Start" from the System Trap located at the bottom of the desktop. Click "Control Panel" and then click "Printers." Right-click the icon for the 950C printer and click "Set as Default Printer" if you want the 950c as your default printer. Warnings [Rosetta Stone Software ] Be sure to review the owner's manual before installing the printer.If you see a red circle during installation, this means installation has failed due. Review your printer manual for troubleshooting techniques and system requirements.

